< Wingspan: 89 mm > Male (Darwin, NT) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Wingspan: 86 mm > Male (Darwin, NT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note that all Syntherata species have many colour variation and this makes it almost impossible to determine the adults down to species. The combination of colour on the tubercles of the larva is the best way to determine the species. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
< Wingspan: 86 mm > Male (Darwin, NT) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1st instar larvae newly hatched (ex female Darwin, NT) --------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd instar (left) larva and 3rd instar larva (right) (ex female Darwin, NT) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
1st instar larva a few days old (ex female Darwin, NT) -------------------------------------------------------------- Early 3rd instar larva (ex female Darwin, NT) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
3rd instar larva (ex female Darwin, NT) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th instar larva (ex female Darwin, NT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HOME > THUMBNAIL INDEX > 81. SATURNIIDAE > Syntherata melvilla
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